Assisted Living Residences

Assisted living is semi-independent housing for adults who are able to make decisions on their own behalf but require some support with their day-to-day needs, due to physical, mental health or health challenges or while in recovery.

There are three classes of assisted living residences:

  • Seniors and Persons with Disabilities - for adults receiving assisted living services due primarily to chronic or progressive conditions linked to the aging process or a disability.
  • Mental Health - for adults receiving assisted living services due primarily to a mental disorder.
  • Supportive Recovery - for adults receiving assisted living services due primarily to substance use.

To find out what assisted living residences are available in your community, use the search boxes to find a community, specific residence or class of residence. For each residence listed you will find information about that residence and if there are any substantiated complaints.

A substantiated complaint means an allegation that has been investigated by the Assisted Living Registry and has been determined to be true. This means the residence is non-compliant with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act or the Assisted Living Regulation.

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Displaying 21 - 40 of 375
Assisted Living Residences
Name Sort descending Status Legal Operator Name Address Phone Number Type
Aspira Astoria Retirement Living Registered 2245 Kelly Avenue, Port Coquitlam, V3C 0B1 6049442341 SN
Aspira Mayfair Retirement Living Registered 2267 Kelly Avenue, Port Coquitlam, V3C 6N4 6045525552 SN
Aspira Pacifica Retirement Living Registered 2525 King George Blvd., Surrey, V4P 0C8 6045359194 SN
Aspira Peninsula Retirement Living Registered 2088 - 152 Street, Surrey, V4A 9Z4 6045382033 SN
Augustine House Registered 3820 Arthur Drive, Delta, V4K 5E6 6049406005 SN
Austin Harris Residence Registered 5411 Moncton Street, Richmond, V7E 0A8 6042779819 SN
Axis Place - Kootenays Registered 1512 5th Street North, Cranbrook, V1C 3M2 2504892110 MH
Ayre Manor Registered 6754 Ayre Road Ayre Manor Assisted Living, Sooke, V9Z 1K1 2506421750 SN
Back on Track - Robin's Nest Registered 4456 - 184th Street, Surrey, V3S 0L5 7783162625 SU
Back on Track - The Castle Registered 6464 - 144th Street, Surrey, V9T4M4 7783162625 SU
Back on Track House Five Registered 8067 147th Street, Surrey, V3S 9T9 6045947750 SU
Back on Track House Six Registered 14669 90 Ave House 6, Surrey, V3R 1A5 7783162625 SU
Back on Track Recovery - The Fortress Unit 1 Registered 9889 140 Street, Surrey, V3T 4M4 7783162625 SU
Back on Track Recovery - The Fortress Unit 2 Registered 9889 140 St, Surrey, V3T 4M4 7783162625 SU
Back on Track Recovery - The Fortress Unit 3 Registered 9889 140 St, Surrey, V3T 4M4 7786492625 SU
Back on Track Recovery - The Fortress Unit 4 Registered 9889 140 St, Surrey, V3T 4M4 7783162625 SU
Bear Creek House Registered 13799 88th Ave, Surrey, V3W 3L2 6045036050 MH
Beckman Apartments Registered 12036 - 216 Street, Maple Ridge, V2X 5J3 6043801881 MH
Bedford House Registered 820 Solly Court, Kelowna, V1X 5W8 2507652207 MH
Bedford Manor Registered 529 Seymour Street, Kamloops, V2C 0A1 2504341702 SN