Assisted Living Residences

Assisted living is semi-independent housing for adults who are able to make decisions on their own behalf but require some support with their day-to-day needs, due to physical, mental health or health challenges or while in recovery.

There are three classes of assisted living residences:

  • Seniors and Persons with Disabilities - for adults receiving assisted living services due primarily to chronic or progressive conditions linked to the aging process or a disability.
  • Mental Health - for adults receiving assisted living services due primarily to a mental disorder.
  • Supportive Recovery - for adults receiving assisted living services due primarily to substance use.

To find out what assisted living residences are available in your community, use the search boxes to find a community, specific residence or class of residence. For each residence listed you will find information about that residence and if there are any substantiated complaints.

A substantiated complaint means an allegation that has been investigated by the Assisted Living Registry and has been determined to be true. This means the residence is non-compliant with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act or the Assisted Living Regulation.

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Displaying 1 - 20 of 375
Assisted Living Residences
Name Sort descending Status Legal Operator Name Address Phone Number Type
333 Trinity Men's Recovery House Registered 333 11 Ave E, Prince Rupert, V8J 2W4 2506273093 SU
A:yelexw Centre for Hope & Healing (Men's Home A) Registered 2851 A:yxalh Lane, Agassiz, V0M1A0 6047966819 SU
A:yelexw Centre for Hope & Healing (Men's Home B) Registered 2845 A:yxalh Lane, Agassiz, V0M1A0 6047966819 SU
A:yelexw Centre for Hope & Healing (Women's Home) Registered 2895 Chowat Rd Seabird Island Health, Agassiz, V0M1A0 6044911377 SU
Acorn Recovery Living Registered 6817 135A Street, Surrey, V3W 4X2 2507332006 SU
Amethyst House Registered 280 2nd Street, Courtenay, V9N 1B7 2508712570 SU
Amica Arbutus Manor Registered 2125 Eddington Drive, Vancouver, V6L 3A9 6047368936 SN
Amica Beechwood Village Registered 2315 Mills Road, Sidney, V8L 5W6 2506550849 SN
Amica Douglas House Registered 50 Douglas Street, Victoria, V8V 2N8 2503836258 SN
Amica Edgemont Village Registered 3225 Highland Blvd, North Vancouver, V7R 0A3 6049296361 SN
Amica Lions Gate Registered 701 Keith Rd, West Vancouver, V7T 1M2 7782808540 SN
Amica on the Gorge Registered 994 Gorge Road W, Victoria, V9A 1P2 2502208000 SN
Amica Somerset House Registered 540 Dallas Road, Victoria, V8V 4X9 2503809121 SN
Amica West Vancouver Registered 659 Clyde Avenue, West Vancouver, V7T 1C8 6049219181 SN
Amica White Rock Registered 15333 16 Ave, Surrey, V4A 1R6 7785458800 SN
Andover Terrace Registered 2110 Lakeshore Rd NE, Salmon Arm, V1E 3X9 2508326686 SN
Ann Elmore House Registered 608 Alder Street, Campbell River, V9W 2P2 2502863666 SU
ASK Wellness Society - Juniper House Registered 2270 Quilchena Ave, Merritt, V1K 1B6 2503785844 SU
ASK Wellness Society - Maverick Manor Registered 1250 Hillside Crt., Kamloops, V2C 6R3 2506828142 SU
Aspen Recovery Living Registered 6847 135A St, Surrey, V3W 4X2 2507332006 SU